Casino Customer SatisfACTION Research Process
DMG has developed a fully integrated casino customer satisfaction research process which can be tailored to any casino operator, whether a single property or one operating multiple units.
Our “standard” questionnaire can be tailored to meet your specific needs.
DMG can either design a totally custom program or can take over operation of an existing program.
Sampling/Upload Process:
Each week a file containing records of visits to all properties from the preceding week is uploaded to secure sftp site. (A daily machine-to-machine upload option is available.)
The file is subjected to a sample selection algorithm to secure a truly representative sample of your database. Simply sampling across the database will not accomplish this key goal. (This process is driven by Business Rules covering opt-outs, protection windows, etc.)
- Weekly invitations are sent via email early each Friday morning. (Postcard delivery is optional.) Daily invitations, of course, are sent daily. Up to two reminders are sent to non-responding guests.
- The survey never closes but passwords/links are valid for a specific number of days.
Reporting (standard unless otherwise indicated):
Results are shown in real time on the CSAT portal and a variety of standardized reports are issued, including monthly recaps, quarterly exception reports, service recovery reports, etc. Options include social media/reputation management, text analytics, annual analytical reports, service recovery tracking, etc.
- Guest satisfaction Starts and succeeds Only with the GM’s commitment.
- Create a rigorous sampling plan to ensure that you’re sampling your entire database.
- Establish Business Rules to guide protocols, including sampling, protection windows, opt-outs, reporting, etc.
- Focus your survey on the last visit.
- “Gate” questions to ensure that each is relevant to the guest’s last visit.
- Limit questions to guest satisfaction and ensure questions are clear and unbiased.
- Don’t provide guidance or pressure to give “A” ratings.
- Use the survey strategically: measure the impact of programs and changes in total and on key guest segments.
- Monitor trends over time rather than just focusing on the last period or two.
- Share results throughout your organization so everyone understands their role in satisfying your guests.